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Board of Directors

Alexander Gallmetzer (President)
Elisabetta Silvino (Vice-President)
Elisabetta Spitz (Independent Adviser)
Johannes Schneebacher (Adviser)

Board of Statutory Auditors

Alessandro Tonina (President)
Carlo Delladio (Statutory Auditor)
Astrid Marinelli (Statutory Auditor)


Euregio Plus SGR S.p.A./AG is 45% owned by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, and 45% by the Autonomous Province of Trento, and 10% by Pensplan Centrum S.p.A.*. Euregio Plus SGR is an in house company. 

*Pensplan Centrum S.p.A. is the coordinating structure of the entire Pensplan Project. It was established under the Regional Law 3/97 and is subject to the direction and coordination of the Autonomous Region of Trentino-South Tyrol.

Social Capital

The fully subscribed social capital is € 9.868.500.


Managing Director
Sergio Lovecchio

Head of Global Markets
Alessandro Giubbilei

Head of Real Estate Investment:
Michele Lorusso

Head of Finance & Accounting
Alessandro Salvaterra

Head of Risk Management
Vladimir Spirito

Head of Sales and Marketing
Enrico Baezzato

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